Complete more out-of-area deals with our vehicle delivery services.
There are several situations in which a dealership can be put in the position of needing to arrange vehicle delivery to a customer out of the area. Northern residents might shop for southern cars that haven’t been on highways that were salted during the winter, for example. They might also be looking for a specific vehicle that just happened to be in another state. It wasn’t much of a problem in the past when people had no issues booking a flight to pick up their vehicle, but now that most people are staying close to home, being able to provide vehicle delivery could finish a deal you wouldn’t have gotten otherwise.
At Homebound Hauling, we offer vehicle delivery services in Pennsylvania for these types of situations. You win because you were able to complete the deal. Your customer wins because they got the vehicle they wanted without excess mileage put on it to drive it home or the cost of airfare and hotel stays.
While you could call a national vehicle transportation company, you’ll further impress your customer when you choose our personalized vehicle delivery services. They’ll get white glove treatment, and you’ll work with the same driver who was assigned to you for your auction and dealer transfer vehicle delivery needs. No waiting. No fuss. No unknowns. We call that “logical logistics”, and we believe you’re going to love the way we do things!
Reach out to us today if you are in Pennsylvania, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, or anywhere else along the Eastern Seaboard and need to get a vehicle to a customer. We can also pick up their trade and bring it back to you. Contact us today for a quote.
At Homebound Hauling, we offer vehicle delivery services along the Eastern Seaboard, including Alabama, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas.